====== True and brittle micas composition, Tischendorf, 2007 ====== True and brittle micas: composition and solid-solution series. === Details === | Reference | | | Data | mineral | | Input | wtp | * заголовок * краткое описание * статья * ссылка * карточка * подробное описание * код * тест === Source === require('ggplot2'); source('recalc_ms_tpf_realc0.r'); classifydiag.micas_tischendorf <- function (wtp_data, annotate=T, labels=F, ...) { ds <- selectNames(recalc.ms_tpf_realc0(wtp_data),c('Name','Mg_pfu','Li_pfu','Fe_pfu','Al_c4_pfu')); pts <- data.frame(Name=ds$Name, X=ds$Mg_pfu-ds$Li_pfu, Y=ds$Fe_pfu-ds$Al_c4_pfu); emembers <- data.frame(Label=c('ann','','pol','hyp-mus','mus','eas','phl','sid'), X=c(0,-1,-2,0,0,2,3,0), Y=c(3,2,-1,-3,-1.8,-1,0,1)); lines <- data.frame(X1 = c( 0, -1, -2, 0, 2, 3), Y1 = c( 3, 2, -1, -3, -1, 0), X2 = c(-1, -2, 0, 2, 3, 0), Y2 = c( 2, -1, -3, -1, 0, 3)); marks <- data.frame(Label=c("Phlogopite-\n-Annite", "Siderophyllilte-\n-Ploylithionite", "Muscovite\n(Celadonite)"), X=c(1, -0.25, 0), Y=c(2, 0.5, -1.25)); limits <- c(-2,3,-3,3); labels <- c("Li <-> Mg", "Al_iv <-> Fe_tot"); ret <- c(); ret$type <- "diagram"; ret$points <- pts; ret$limits <- limits; ret$marks <- rbind(marks,emembers); ret$lines <- lines; ret$labels <- labels; return(ret); } {{tag>classifydiag mineral}}