====== Opx-Spl: Mercier, 1980 ====== Independent estimation of pressure and temperature for any single pyroxene phase in equilibrium with a second pyroxene and with either spinel or garnet; otherwise, minimum temperatures and maximum pressures are obtained. === Details === This sensor from [[:about_tpf|TPF]] collection ^ Article | | ^ Callibration | 150 xenolith | ^ Precision | ±20 °C | ^ Ranges | 10-80 kbar, 850-1600 °C | ^ Renew sensors | | * заголовок * краткое описание * статья * ссылка * карточка * подробное описание * код * тест === Source === source("utilities_tpf.r"); sensors.t.opx_spl_mercier_1980_a <- function(Opx, usePFU=FALSE, ...){ row_name = Opx$Name; if(!usePFU) { Opx <- tpf.recalc_minaral("OPX",Opx); } A <- (Opx$Al_c4_pfu + Opx$Al_c6_pfu - Opx$Na_pfu) / 2; W <- Opx$Ca_pfu / (Opx$Ca_pfu + Opx$Mg_pfu + Opx$Fe_p2_pfu + Opx$Fe_p3_pfu); FCR <- Opx$Cr_pfu / (Opx$Al_c4_pfu + Opx$Al_c6_pfu + Opx$Cr_pfu - Opx$Na_pfu); XKW <- 6 * W / (1 - 2 * W); XKA <- A / (1 - A) / (1 - 2.87 * FCR)^2; D <- log(XKA) * log(XKW) - 8.6751 * log(XKW) + 2.2595 * log(XKA) + 24.568; T <- (45449 - 6308.5 * log(XKW)) / D - 273.15; return(data.frame(Name=row_name,T_calc=T)); } sensors.t.opx_spl_mercier_1980_a.args <- function(){ ars <- list(); ars$minerals <- c("Opx"); ars$ranges <- c(); return(ars); } #sensors.t.opx_spl_mercier_1980_a.test <- function(){ # #} {{tag> tpf Opx AP_igroup fixed}}