Y+Nb-Rb: Granitic Rocks, Pearce, 1984

Y+Nb-Rb discriminant diagrams for syn-collision granites (syn-COLG), volcanic arc granites (VAG), within plate granites (WPG) and ocean ridge granites (ORG).


Reference Pearce, Julian A., Harris, Nigel B. W., Tindle, Andrew G. Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks, 1984 [ref]
Data bulk
Input Y_ppm, Nb_ppm, Rb_ppm

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classifydiag.granites_ynb_rb_pearce <- function (wtp_data, ...)
ds <- selectNames(wtp_data,c('Name','Y_ppm','Nb_ppm','Rb_ppm'))
pts <- data.frame(Name=ds$Name,
                  X = ds$Y_ppm + ds$Nb_ppm,
                  Y = ds$Rb_ppm);
labels <- c("Y + Nb", "Rb");
lines <- data.frame(X1 = c( 50, 2000,  55,  400,   0),
                    Y1 = c(  0,  320,   8, 2000,  80),
                    X2 = c( 55,   55,  60,   60,  60),
                    Y2 = c(  8,    8, 300,  300, 300));
marks  <- data.frame(Label=c("VAG", "ORG", "syn-COLG", "WPG"),
                         X=c(    6,   400,          6,   900),
                         Y=c(    6,     8,        700,   650));

ret <- c();
ret$type <- "diagram";
ret$points <- pts;
ret$labels  <- labels;
ret$marks  <- marks;
ret$lines  <- lines;
ret$limits <- c(1,2000,1,2000);
ret$scale <- c('log','log');