This sensor from TPF collection
Article | Thomas, W. M., Ernst, W. G. The aluminium content of hornblende in calc-alkaline granitic rocks: A mineralogic barometer calibrated experimentally to 12 kbars, 1990 [ref] |
Callibration | 10 experements |
Precision | ±1.0 kbar |
Ranges | 6-12 kbar |
Renew sensors | HAMMARSTROM and ZEN ( 1987), HOLLISTER and OTHERS (1988); |
source("utilities_tpf.r"); sensors.p.hbl_thomas_ernst_1990 <- function(Hbl, usePFU=FALSE, ...){ row_names = Hbl$Name; if (!usePFU) { Hbl <- tpf.recalc_minaral("HBL",Hbl); } XAL <- Hbl$Al_c4_pfu + Hbl$Al_c6_pfu; PP <- -6.23 + 5.34 * XAL; P <- ifelse(PP<12,PP,NA); return(data.frame(Name=row_names,P_calc=P)); } sensors.p.hbl_thomas_ernst_1990.args <- function(){ ars <- list(); ars$minerals <- c("Hbl"); ars$ranges <- c(); return(ars); } sensors.p.hbl_thomas_ernst_1990.test <- function(){ hbl <- data.frame(Name=c('HBL'), SiO2_wtp=c(39.44), TiO2_wtp=c(1.16), Al2O3_wtp=c(15.02), Cr2O3_wtp=c(0.00), FeO_wtp=c(18.11), MnO_wtp=c(0.36), MgO_wtp=c(7.90), CaO_wtp=c(11.45), Na2O_wtp=c(1.92), K2O_wtp=c(1.58)); res <- sensors.p.hbl_thomas_ernst_1990(hbl); expect_equal(object = res[1,]$P_calc, 8, tolerance = 1); }