This sensor from TPF collection
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Renew sensors |
source("utilities_tpf.r"); sensors.t.grt_bt_perchuk_1984_b <- function(Grt, Bt, P, ...){ Bt <- tpf.recalc_minaral("BT",Bt); Grt <- tpf.recalc_minaral("GRT",Grt); X <- Grt$Mg_pfu / (Grt$Mg_pfu + Grt$Mn_pfu + Grt$Fe_p2_pfu + Grt$Fe_p3_pfu); Z <- Bt$Mg_pfu / (Bt$Mg_pfu + Bt$Mn_pfu + Bt$Fe_p2_pfu + Bt$Fe_p3_pfu); M <- Grt$Mn_pfu / (Grt$Mg_pfu + Grt$Mn_pfu + Grt$Fe_p2_pfu + Grt$Fe_p3_pfu); if (M>0.001) { K <- log((Z / (1 - Z)) * ((1 - X) / X)); T <- (3947.9 + 0.012 * (P * 1000 - 6000)) / (K + 2.868) - 273 + 252.25 * (M - 0.035); warning(" GRT MUST EXHIBIT NEGATIVE CORRELATION OF MN WITH MG AND FE"); } return(data.frame(Name=paste0(Grt$Name,"-", Bt$Name),P=P,T_calc=T)); } sensors.t.grt_bt_perchuk_1984_b.args <- function(){ ars <- list(); ars$minerals <- c("Grt", "Bt"); ars$ranges <- c("P"); return(ars); } #sensors.t.grt_bt_perchuk_1984_b.test <- function(){ # #}