Opx-Cpx: Bertrand, Mercier, 1985

This geothermometer is directly applicable to the natural system as illustrated by the remarkable agreement between the experimental conditions and the calculated temperatures for reequilibration experiments on natural systems.


Source Philippe Bertrand, Jean-Claude C. Mercier The mutual solubility of coexisting ortho- and clinopyroxene: toward an absolute geothermometer for the natural system?, 1985 [ref]
Callibration 36 points from different sources
Accuracy 2%
Ranges 810-1500°C and 0.0-10.0 GPa
Renew sensors

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sensors.t.opx_cpx_bertrand_mercier <- function(Opx, Cpx, P, usePFU=FALSE, ...){

    row_names <- paste0(Opx$Name,"-",Cpx$Name);

    if(!usePFU) {
        Opx <- tpf.recalc_minaral("OPX",Opx);
        Cpx <- tpf.recalc_minaral("CPX",Cpx);

    X = Opx$Na_pfu;
    Y = Opx$Ca_pfu;
    Z = Cpx$Na_pfu;
    F = Cpx$Ca_pfu;

    K = Cpx$Fe_pfu /(Cpx$Fe_pfu + Cpx$Mg_pfu);
    A = 36273+399*P/10;
    C = 1-Y/(1-X);
    B = F/(1-Z)+(-0.77+0.001*T)*K;
    L = log((1-B)/C);
    T = A/(19.31-8.314*L-12.15*B**2);
    T = T-273;
    return(data.frame(Name=row_names,P=P, T_calc=T));

sensors.t.opx_cpx_bertrand_mercier.args <- function(){
    ars <- list();
    ars$minerals <- c("Opx", "Cpx");
    ars$ranges <- c("P");
#sensors.t.opx_cpx_bertrand_mercier.test <- function(){

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